Coloring gallery of The Lord of the Rings pictures

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The Lord of the Rings is an epic fantasy novel written by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
Peter Jackson made a film trilogy based on the three-volume book of JRR Tolkien.

coloring picture of Aragorn on a horse
Aragorn on a horse
coloring picture of Boromir
coloring picture of Dwarf Gimli
Dwarf Gimli
coloring picture of Elf Legolas with his bow and arrows
Elf Legolas with his bow and arrows
coloring picture of Merry Meriadoc Brandybuck
Merry Meriadoc Brandybuck
coloring picture of Misc
coloring picture of Pippin Peregrin Took
Pippin Peregrin Took
coloring picture of Sam Samwise Gamgee Gardner
Sam Samwise Gamgee Gardner
coloring picture of Wizard Gandalf
Wizard Gandalf
coloring picture of hobbit Frodo Baggins
hobbit Frodo Baggins

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