Coloring gallery of Greece Monuments pictures

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Ancient Greece is regarded as the cradle of the European culture.
Greece is with France the only nation to have taken part in all Olympic Games since their creation in 1896.

coloring picture of Aristotle is a student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great
Aristotle is a student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great
coloring picture of Aristotle teaches with a child
Aristotle teaches with a child
coloring picture of Hippocrates of Cos father of medicine
Hippocrates of Cos father of medicine
coloring picture of Ulysses is the legendary Greek king of Ithaca
Ulysses is the legendary Greek king of Ithaca
coloring picture of Zeus the god of sky and thunder
Zeus the god of sky and thunder
coloring picture of a greek warrior with a sword and a shield
a greek warrior with a sword and a shield
coloring picture of ancient Greek drama
ancient Greek drama
coloring picture of face of Plato
face of Plato
coloring picture of face of Socrates
face of Socrates
coloring picture of head of a greek warrior with a helmet
head of a greek warrior with a helmet

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